my services

smiling woman with glasses uses a computer

individual therapy

Imagine your life if you were able to heal from trauma, improve your self-esteem, or start being the badass that you (secretly) know you are! Individual sessions focus on understanding the core beliefs that shape your worldview and how to shift those beliefs to allow more joy, creativity, and relaxation into your life. It’s time to find answers to those nagging questions like:

  • how the hell can I set better boundaries with my family?

  • what do I truly want my romantic relationships to look like?

  • what would it be like to accept my body just as it is?

  • how can I CALM. THIS. BRAIN. DOWN.??!

relationship therapy

Couples therapy, or therapy for triads, quads or other relationship structures, is focused on understanding the underlying emotions that create challenges in relationships. Sessions can be a safe container to talk about the things that get overwhelming during daily life. Different session lengths are available based on the needs of the relationship. Things we can work on include:

  • recognizing how attachment stuff is showing up for us

  • how to navigate our polyamorous relationship (or any other relationship structure!)

  • learning new skills for conflict

support letters

A brief assessment and a letter of support for gender-affirming care can typically be provided in one session. You do not need to be in ongoing therapy with me in order to receive this letter. The gatekeeping around getting needed healthcare is grossly unfair, so I do my best to make this process as affirmative and as easy as possible.

immigration evaluations

Evaluations for immigration visas available in English and Spanish. Other languages available with an interpreter for an additional fee. Immigration evaluations typically take place over 2 - 3 sessions and a comprehensive report is completed within two weeks. Consultation with your immigration attorney is included. Evaluations completed for U-visas, T-visas, hardship waivers, and VAWA cases.

support groups

Body Builders is a support group for fat clinicians (therapists, dietitians, SLPs, massage therapists, and more). Work towards body liberation and learn to manage the thoughts and feelings that come up for you during client sessions.

The second co-hort of Badass Bodies started in February 2024 and is now closed. Please email me to be put on the waitlist for the next group.